Allimax is a feed supplement for animals and is available as a liquid or a bolus for cattle, calves, sheep and a variety of other animals.
Allicin Animal Care International (AACI) which is located in Vaassen, The Netherlands is the company that developed allimax. Allicin Animal Care international has made a large contribution to the reduction of antibiotic use in livestock in the past years. The development of allimax is not homeopathic or ‘alternative therapy’ but allimax is the result of adequate scientific research which is confirmed by several universities. Allicin which is the active substance in allimax has bactericidal, fungicidal, antiviral and anti-parasitic activities. This means that allimax is capable of killing bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. Research has been done to those activities and it is proven in vitro as well as in vivo.
Brochure Allimax:
Antibacterial activity of Allimax on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli
PhytoGenix BV / Medical Chemistry and Chemical Biology, department of Pharmaceutical sciences, Faculty of Bèta Sciences, Utrecht University.
Intellectual owner: Allicin Animal Care International B.V.
CEO: Dr. J.W. Bok, Niersenseweg 28, 8171 RG Vaassen, Netherlands. Phone: 0031-651228076. Email: H.bok@planet.nl.
Chamber of Commerce number: 08140515.
Determination of the antibacterial activity:
To determine the antibacterial effect of the different Allimax dilutions bacterial growth curves were created and the minimal inhibiting concentration (MIC – value) was determined.
Staphylococcus aureus strain BMA/FR/032/0074 was used to represent Staphylococcus aureus. This strain is a strong biofilm producing clinical isolate that causes mastitis in cows (Hensen, 2000; Melchior et al., 2006).
To represent Escherichia coli, the human reference strain ATCC 8739 was used in the experiments.
1:5 Dilution series were created out of the 2.000/20.000 dilutions of allimax. Those dilution series were made in TSBg growth medium and a 1:50.000 diluted overnight culture of the two bacterial strains were added. Thereafter the products were incubated for 18 hours at 37 ºC in the existence of resazurin (adjusted version of the protocol by Burt and Reinders, 2003).
Every 30 minutes the degree of fluorescence is measured which corresponds directly with the degree of bacterial growth.
Bacterial growth was also measured by the amount of turbidity of the culture medium (UV absorption by 610 nm) to exclude an effect of allimax on the conversion of resazurine.
Dairy producers: Read more about drastic cost reduction due to Allimax products: significant cost savings with Allimax Products.
Advantages for the dairy farmer:
Healthy animals, healthy management.
A sick cow is an expensive cow. Treatments of a variety of diseases that occur in dairy cows are expensive and often time consuming. It is prohibited to market milk or meat from a cow that is under antibiotic therapy. Every antibiotic has its own withdrawal period.
Cost example: when a cow that is in the first 3 months of her lactation period develops clinical mastitis the average costs per cow are € 275,- (GD Deventer).
When a cow develops clinical mastitis in the 4th month or later in the lactation period the costs are approximately €140,- per cow. This does not include treatment costs and costs of involuntary culling. Furthermore, the dairy farmer gets a fee if the geometrical somatic cell count of the bulk tank exceeds 400.000 cells / ml milk.
(Reference: www.gddiergezondheid.nl/diergezondheid/dierziekten/mastitis)
Costs of allimax bolus treatment
For price information please contact Allimax.
The cost of the Allimax bolus on farm depends on were ever the farm is situated in the world. Based upon our experience the minimum return on farmer’s investment is 1:3. The dairy farmer can provide the bolus orally to the cow, so there are no treatment costs involved because it takes the dairy farmer on average only a minute to provide the bolus. The allimax bolus (and also the liquid) does not have a withdrawal time for milk or meat because it is not an antibiotic. There is no recidivism because allimax breaks down the biofilm formation that a lot of bacteria develop (like Staphylococcus aureus) to protect themselves against antibiotics.
How much money do you save with an allimax bolus therapy?
Benefits dairy farmer:
Immediate savings is the fact that there is no withdrawal time for allimax. Milk can be marketed during the entire treatment period.
Milk yield of 30 liters per day € 12,-
Milk yield of 210 liters per week € 84,-
Other savings (listed above) € 275,- (GD Deventer)
Allimax cattle products:
- Allimax NF bolus 25
- Allimax concentrated liquid (1 liter)
Direct benefits of allimax:
- No use of antibiotics or decrease in antibiotic use
- Drastic reduction in treatment costs
- No withdrawal period for milk and/or meat
- No expensive and / or time consuming treatments like injections or oral treatments.
Read more:
GMP+ Scientific research and production of certified allicin.
Copyright: Allicin Animal Care International B.V. The Netherlands. Chamber of Commerce number: 08140515 BTW: 815950093.B01
Antibacterial activity of allimax on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
Allimax Animal Health is a division of Allicin Animal Care International, Vaassen, The Netherlands.